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One of my comfort foods I ate often while at seminary in Washington DC was Pho - a noodle soup with a protein (e.g., chicken, shrimp) that is the national dish of  Vietnam.  Susan and Christian later adopted Pho as one of their comfort foods. 

Vietnam's population is 15th in the world at 97 million people. Vietnam may be the fastest-growing of the world's economies, with a potential annual GDP growth rate of about 5.1%, which could make its economy the 20th-largest in the world by 2050.

Of the 2 million Vietnamese-Americans, more are Christian (25%) than those in Vietnam. In Vietnam the fastest growing religion is Protestant Christianity at 1.4 million people (a 600 percent growth over the past ten years). However, Protestants are numerically fewer than the 6.2 million Catholics and 11 million Buddhists in Vietnam. Most Vietnamese are atheist due to decades of Communist rule.

Pastor Curtis

Photo by Sharon Chen on Unsplash