Puerto Rico Earthquake and UMCOR

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Most of us will never face the consequences of a major earthquake, out-of-control wildfires, tsunami, or other disaster, but many people do. While a single family house fire is devastating, having your whole neighborhood scorched or washed away in a flood is traumatizing.

One of the world's greatest privately run relief agencies is the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR). They are funded by the general church, one of many entities funded by our apportionment dollars. All individual donations to a disaster are 100 percent directed to that disaster. While UMCOR is involved early in disaster recovery, they are one group that stays for a long time after to redevelop affected people and communities.

Last week the people of Puerto Rico suffered a major earthquake. Bishop Hector F. Ortiz, episcopal leader of the Methodist Church of Puerto Rico, traveled to inspect damaged churches and residences. He toured the damaged Methodist Church of the Resurrection in Ponce and the Methodist Church of Guayanilla, both of which suffered extensive damage. In addition, “The mental stress that these earthquakes are causing, and the tremors that don’t seem to ever stop, is amazing,” said Gusmary Blanco Mersie, the church’s social media director.

Help rebuild buildings and build up people by giving to UMCOR Advance #901670 online or through CSA.


Photo by Tatiana Rodriguez on Unsplash