Easter marks the end of Lent and the beginning of the Easter Season of fifty days ending at Pentecost. "He is Risen!" "He is Risen, Indeed" are the call and response common to the Easter season, reminding us that Jesus is the first fruit of everlasting life.
While not in the Bible, the Easter bunny was brought to the US by German immigrants along with their tale of an egg-laying bunny in the early 1700s. Children made nests where the bunny could lay its colored eggs. Bunnies reproduce rapidly and are an ancient symbol of springtime and fertility.
Our Easter Egg hunt had about 60-70 hard-to-count moving children and was a great success. We did this event with ROCK church providing eggs, adults, and excellent contemporary Christian music, Bethesda Preparatory providing eggs, crafts, and adult supervision, and some of our youth, their friends, and scouts who hid all the eggs and helped with the popcorn maker and cotton candy machine. My wife, Susan, along with Dot, Nancy, and Becky stuffed over a 1,000 eggs for the event. I am also grateful for the many CSA adults, especially Paul Mazzi, who helped with set up, clean up, and everything in between.
Well done good and faithful servants!