Alcoholism is a disease, and the alcoholic is a sick person; The alcoholic can be helped, and is worth helping; Alcoholism is a public health problem, and therefore a public responsibility. (The three creeds of the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence)
CSA provides a space for healing and socializing for people who struggle every day with addiction and are trying to lead sober, healthy lives with the help of their support groups: AA, Twelve Steppers, and Adult Children of Alcoholics.
AA or Alcoholics Anonymous is run by a community of recovering alcoholics. Their 12 step process gives an optimistic path to follow on the road to recovery. When they moved from the hard-to-find Upper Room to the chapel at CSA, their attendance went from 5-7 to 10-15 in the past two months. The AA group at CSA is mostly middle-aged adults.
Twelve Steppers is an AA group that meets in the Social Hall with an average weekly attendance of 35-40. They are mostly young adults. Recently they had a Saturday night talent show which gave the over 100 people in attendance a fun evening without alcohol. Interestingly, they also put on a huge New Year's Eve party so they can go somewhere to be safely sober on such an indulgent evening.
Adult Children of Alcoholics (ACA) is a Twelve Step,Twelve Tradition program of men and women who grew up in dysfunctional homes. They meet to share their experience of growing up in an environment where abuse, neglect, and trauma are common. They meet weekly in the parlor with an average attendance of 20-30. Our church is truly a blessing to so many.
Pastor Curtis